

8 Weeks 

Essentially, you will elect one fun first mission or objective to focus on by the end of the 8 weeks (or the duration you choose). This is a great way to kickstart your motivation and commitment to yourself.



To kickstart the program, we will check in directly for a fun discovery session. This will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and find clarity about your first mission. The call will be scheduled for 45 min you will receive a recording for you to keep and work with. The recording will be a valuable resource as you work toward your vision, you will have the opportunity to see your progress as you move forward. There is a lot to learn from the discovery, most of all what are your intentions? needs? fears? desires? Let's dive in.



1x Weekly Coaching Videos

Each week you get one or more videos where I will walk with you through a series of different processes designed to help you with things such as clarifying your vision & goals, managing your time efficiently (INCLUDING device-free, commitment-free time), building your confidence and strengthening your self-perception, saying NO, honing your focus, overcoming fear & self-doubt, exercise and flex your accountability muscles, maintain a high-vibration, and keep you glued to the light on your path.


1x Weekly Goal Sheets

We will dial in each week and support the lessons in the videos. We will help you track your progress, pat yourself on the back and reflect. Short and sweet. No need for overthinking.


2x Monthly Meditation/Motivational MP3s

We have grooves in the brain. They are neurological patterns "mind-habits" in other words, places our brain defaults when its time to take action, gain perspective, or while making important decisions. With these tools I hope to give you positive heart/brain food, growing and supporting the seeds of your vision of a creative life. These are filled with light, love and inspiration, giving new life to the parts of you ready and willing to build new bridges and healthy patterns. Kick self-doubt and fear in the butt and start blossoming into your best version of you.