Sometimes the news of the world can be disheartening and discouraging.  It can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed and even disconnected from your Heart.  Many of you may find it hard to be present to the pain of others and want desperately to fix situations that seem impossible to fix.

I want to gently remind you that we can’t create change if we shut down our Hearts.  Your Heart and knowing how to calibrate your Heart’s intrinsic creative power by understanding the true power of your emotions, is crucial to creating change, both in your own life and, ultimately in the lives of others. 

Take care of your Heart.  Feed it well with good, nourishing foods.  Move your body to strengthen your physical Heart.  Fill your energetic Heart with beauty, truth and hope. 

The more you walk in beauty, the more you decrees your cortisol and stress responses, the more you increase your dopamine (feel good hormones) and, science shows us, the greater capacity you have for creativity. 

Sometimes you need a gentle reminder that self-care and nourishing yourself is vital to building the foundation from which you can support others and do the work necessary to keep evolving this planet towards the full manifestation of equity, sustainability, abundance and peace for all of our Divine Siblings. 

Have a wonderful week and take care of yourself!!

From my Heart to Yours,



The Quantum Alignment Show:  Feelings….the Creative Power of the Emotional Solar Plexus


Emotions can be tricky.

Our “feelings” cause us to react, leap spontaneously, recoil or even hide and avoid uncomfortable emotional situations.  Emotions cause us to feel anxious, overeat, shut down, explode or be happy.

But emotional energy is so much more than “feelings”.  Your emotional energy is the most creative energy available to you.  Knowing how your emotional energy is hard-wired and how to consciously use your emotional energy to create what you want in your life is crucial.

Half of you have our own intense emotional energy that regulates how we get clear about our decisions.  The other of you are empathic and emotionally sensitive and, if you don’t understand your empathic nature, make decisions in life based on how everybody else feels.

When you understand your emotional energy you not only gain a greater degree of mastery over yourself and discover how to create what’s right for you, you also gain access to a tremendous amount of creative power.

Please join me for this week’s Quantum Alignment Show.  You’ll discover how your unique emotional hard-wiring influences how you experience life, how to gain mastery over your emotions without shutting them down and how to deepen your love and acceptance for yourself (and for others!)

Karen Parker

Human Design for Everyone



